Monthly Food Giveaway
In partnership with Helping His Hands, the Sandborn First Christian Church and Sandborn United Methodist Church host a Mobile Food Pantry at SFCC (118 N. Anderson St.) on the 4th Thursday of each month from 10:00-11:00am and 4:30–5:30pm. In order to receive a box of food at this drive-thru style pantry, you must be a resident of Knox County, and you must sign up ahead of time and schedule a time slot to come and pick up your box. Recipients may pick up an application at the Sandborn Water Dept., Mon., Wed., Fri., 9:00am-5:00pm, or you may contact us by filling out the form on this page. Paper applications are due back to the Water Dept. at least two weeks prior to the food giveaway date, and this form must also be submitted by the same deadline. For more information, you may call the Water Dept. at (812) 694-8949, and ask for Dana or Kellie.
On the day of the giveaway, we will not deliver. So, if you have no transportation, please make arrangements to have someone deliver your box to you.