As followers of Christ, we strive to be generous in every part of our lives. That includes our time, talents, and treasures. The funds given during the time of giving at SFCC are used to advance God’s kingdom in the world. Ministry is not cheap nor free, and it takes money to provide for all the needs of Christ's church. Most importantly, giving is an act of worship, declaring that God is above and in control of all — even our finances. Giving is also an act of thanksgiving, as we are thankful that God was generous to us through the gift of His Son Jesus. We seek to give joyfully and sacrificially, as we desire to see God’s kingdom advance to all corners of the world, as well as here at home.
When giving isn't a possibility during a weekly worship service, or if you should decide that this method is more convenient to you, you may opt to give by clicking the "Give Online" button below. You will be directed to our new giving platform that will allow you to give by entering in your bank information or a debit or credit card. To register a bank account, you'll be prompted to log into or create a Planning Center account, which will allow you to access more SFCC information, including your giving history, a church directory, and other useful features. You may download the "Church Center App" for Android or Apple in your app store, or you may visit it online or on a mobile website here. Using a bank account (ACH transfer), the transaction fee is significantly less than using a debit/credit card. In the donation process, you will be given the option to cover the transaction fee, if you so desire to do so. Otherwise, the fee will be deducted from your gift. Through this link, you'll also be able to set up regularly occurring donations if you'd like to make your giving more automatic.
You may also mail checks to:
Sandborn First Christian Church, P.O. Box 73, Sandborn, IN 47578
All contributors will receive an annual giving statement for tax purposes and personal records. Sandborn First Christian Church, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit; all contributions are tax deductible.