We were created to SERVE.
The leadership at SFCC believes that any healthy body is one where each part functions as God designed it to. That is why it is our belief that every member of the kingdom of God has some gift or ability to offer the Lord in service to others. If you need a little help figuring out your area of giftedness, click on the Discover Your Gifts image to give you some insights about where you would best be fitted to serve in the church. Once you have done that, we invite you to share your results with the minister.
Below are some of the ways you can get involved if you are looking for a way to plug in. If none of these areas fit your unique "shape" (the way God created you to serve), we would love to help you get creative with your unique abilities. If you are interested in getting involved in any of the ministries listed below, please get in touch with the contact person for that ministry, and he/she will add you to their team and will see that you are notified whenever there is work to be done. You can find phone numbers for each contact person posted in the church foyer, or you may contact the church office.
Blood Drives (Donors - Julie Sanders; Meal - Kerri Tennant) In partnership with Versiti Blood Center of IN, donors provide life-saving donations every 2 months, while those who are unable to donate may provide food for the donors, families, and Versiti employees
Breakfast (Becky Williams) Provides a light breakfast for approx. 20 people in the Fellowship Center on Sundays from 8:15-9:00 before worship
Card Ministry (Dana Wright) Sends birthday, anniversary, get well, or encouragement cards to members of the church or the community on a monthly basis
Children's Ministry (Amanda Schilt) Children's group leaders and chaperones, teachers, helpers, snack preparers, etc. who assist the Children's Minister
Communion Preparation (Bryan Sanders) Ensures that the emblems are prepared, set out, and ready for each worship service
Community Service Projects (Jim Pursell) - Local group service projects, 3rd Thursday of the month in warmer seasons
Dine-1-1 (Renee Schopmeyer) Organizes meal giving after births, surgeries, or illnesses
Fellowship (Becky Cook) Coordinates special church dinners and other fellowship events
Funeral Dinners (Regina Kaiser & Alisa Anderson) Prepares and serves meals for families after a funeral service
Kids Connection (Bryan Sanders) A rotation of Sunday morning teachers for our children PreK-6th Grade
Media (Bryan Sanders) Operates sound, video, and Media Shout during services
Missions (Bryan Sanders) - Regional and international mission trips
Mobile Food Pantry (Joan Heshelman) Free food giveaway, in partnership with Helping His Hands, on the 4th Friday of the month
Nursery (Tyler & Lexi Van Deventer) A rotation of workers that serve to allow our members and visitors with infants or toddlers to participate in the worship service
Praise (Bryan Sanders) Vocalists or accompanists who help lead worship
Prayer (Bryan Sanders) Prayer warriors ready to intercede for others when a concern is shared via call or text
Property (Scott Williams, Kenny Sanders) Facility maintenance, landscaping, snow removal, etc.
Teaching (E.B. Rawles) Adult Sunday School teachers and Small Group leaders
Welcome (Bryan Sanders) The first to arrive each Sunday to greet worshipers as they enter