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What to Expect at a Weekend Service
Be our Guest!


At SFCC, we strive to make every guest feel a part of our family.


Worship begins promptly at 9:15, so be sure to arrive a few minutes early to find a place to park and grab a seat. Our greeters will offer you a warm and friendly welcome the moment you arrive.


If you're an early riser, come a little early and enjoy donuts, milk, juice, and coffee in the Fellowship Center beginning at 8:30.


Using a variety of instruments and singers, we offer a "blended" style of worship with a mix of classic and contemporary songs. We won’t ask you to wear a name tag or stand up in front of the congregation to announce your visit - we're glad that you've joined us for worship.


We would ask that you fill out the brief Welcome Card and place it in the offering plate as it passes.


Find out more about our service and group times.




Curb parking is available along Anderson Street (in front of the Worship Center), along Corbin Street (beside the Worship Center), in front of the Fellowship Center, and in our gravel lot across from the Fellowship Center along Corbin Street. Wheelchair access is in the rear of the Worship Center along Corbin Street. If you do not require handicap access, please refrain from parking on the concrete drive of the Fellowship Center nearest the wheelchair ramp.

The Campus

There are two main buildings on our campus: the Worship Center and the Fellowship Center. The church office is located in the lower level of the Fellowship Center. You can enter through the east entrance by the grain elevators along Bailey Street. Sunday morning worship service is held in the Worship Center facing Anderson Street (Hwy. 59) in downtown Sandborn.    Map

What do I wear?

The answer is, “whatever makes you comfortable.” You are welcome to wear a suit or a dress, but it's also perfectly okay to leave the tie and uncomfortable shoes at home. Come as you are. You'll fit right in.



At SFCC, we offer communion weekly to all who have professed their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The Lord's Supper is open to all believers at SFCC. You don't have to be a member. We remain seated while communion is served, so participation is at your discretion. You may partake of the bread as you desire, and you may drink of the cup as you wish. However, our custom is to drink the cup in unison once instructed.




This is an element of our worship that gives our members the privilege to give back to the Lord a portion of His generous blessings. Fifteen percent of our overall offerings are then set aside by the Leadership Team to support our foreign missionaries, local ministries, and community benevolence. This time of giving is for those who consider SFCC their church home. We do not expect our guests to give anything, but you are welcome to worship with us in this manner if you so desire by placing your offering in the wooden box in the rear of the sanctuary.


For the Kids


Kids Connection is a fun, creative and safe environment for your children to experience God's love and grow in their faith. Kids 3 yrs. old through Grade 6 will remain in the Worship Center Main Level with the adults they arrived with (or their teachers if no parent/guardian is with them) until a dismissal time before the sermon. They will then be excused to gather to their teachers in the rear of the sanctuary to go to their classes in the Worship Center Lower Level. A staffed nursery is also available for children under three to allow you to more easily participate in worship. It begins at approximately 9:05 and is available throughout the entire service.


For parents with babies, we understand that there are moments where your child will require addition attention, causing you to leave the worship area. Rather than miss out, we offer a "Cry Room" at the rear of the sanctuary, just north of the Worship Center foyer. This is a cozy nursery with one-way glass, equipped with a glider, and a small table with a lamp. Right next door to the Cry Room is a restroom with a changing table as well.

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